Frequently Asked Questions
Come prepared
Here, you’ll find information to help you prepare for your adventure with us.
We keep pack weights to a manageable level for all participants. Group equipment is split appropriately across the whole group to allow for this to happen eg. A tent is broken into three parts: pegs and poles, tent outer and tent inner and split between the three students who will sleep in the tent. In some instances, food and/or heavy equipment may be dropped to campsites. Please follow the Gear and Equipment list closely so no unnecessary/bulky items are included.
The distances on all OEG programs are designed to be an age appropriate length and are suitable for the environment the students will find themselves in eg. A day in the mountains will have shorter distances than a day in less hilly venue.
Groups will be informed through their Program Coordinator if a Total Fire Ban has been issued. Conditions in and around the program area will be continually monitored by field staff and the OEG All Hours Contact. During fire season, all groups will carry meals that can made without the use of a stove in case of Total Fire Bans. Additional scheduled communication may take place during these days.
Groups will be informed through their Program Coordinator if a Severe Weather Warning is issued by the Bureau of Meteorology. OEG staff will assess the routes, activities and campsites of all groups on program and make decisions based on prevailing conditions. If required groups may need to move to designated severe weather warning campsites which have been identified prior to the program. Additional scheduled communication may take place if deemed necessary.
OEG Field Staff have a minimum of a Certificate III in Outdoor Recreation or International equivalent, a First Aid Certificate relevant for the venue their are operating in, a CPR Certificate and a relevant Working with Children Check. Depending on the program there will also be OEG staff who are qualified in specific activity areas such as white-water rafting or cycling. All qualifications are kept up to date and are renewed in line with the requirements of the qualification year on year.
Both OEG and your school will have an All Hours Contact that will be informed if there is an incident on program. Primary contact with parents/guardians will be made by the School All Hours Contact. Where this is not possible contact will be made by the OEG All Hours Contact or the OEG Program Coordinator. Parents/Guardians can contact the School All Hours Contact to deliver urgent messages into the program.
A lightweight ‘soft’ bag is best – duffle or sports bag. As much as possible please avoid large travel luggage bags as they are bulky and difficult to store in large quantities. Bags will be stored in a secured location for the duration of the program.
There is no need to bring your own pack as we have a range of sizes to fit all participants. If you choose to bring your own pack the OEG team member with your group will assess the pack for suitability and the ability to fit additional group gear.
Using lightweight jumpers is more versatile than one thick jumper and allows you to ‘layer’ your clothing to suit environmental conditions on any given day. Wool/Polar Fleece jumpers hold very little water allowing the material to keep you warm even when it is wet. Cotton when wet will stay wet and lose insulating properties. The same applies to your thermals.
Unlike wool/polar fleece/polypro clothing, cotton when wet will hold moisture, stay cold and will take a long time to dry. This can become a safety issue when on expedition.
OEG staff carry a comprehensive First Aid kit however a small kit can be brought along. Any personal medication needs to be in its original packaging in two zip lock/waterproof bags.
The strong large garbage bags are used for waterproofing packs on expeditions. Groups will also be required to carry rubbish to the next drop point. Having plenty of smaller garbage bags allows for rubbish to be split between multiple participants.
We do not expect you to go out and buy brand new clothing and equipment to come on program we suggest that starting with family and friends to see if there is any equipment you can borrow for the time you are away. If you cannot borrow your gear from friends or family you can also source gear from your local opportunity shop. Alternatively, click on the One Planet/Camplist on this site for appropriate and affordable gear options.
OEG’s Group Leaders and Program Coordinators all carry communications devices that are appropriate for the environments that the groups are travelling through. There is no need for students to bring a mobile phone on camp. Camp is a great to opportunity to disconnect from social media, connect with the people around them and enjoy some green time not screen time.
Knives, radios, gum or other junk food, electronic gadgets, music machines, jewelry, hair dryers, money, make-up, expensive items, or any ‘disposable’ items.
When on expedition, students are given a thorough brief of the importance of maintaining a high level of hygiene. Emphasis is placed on washing hands before every meal and after toileting. Hand wash stations are set up for this purpose including both soap and hand sanitising solution.
When staying in hard top accommodation there will be access to toilets. On expedition students will use a mixture of drop/composting toilets, portable river toilets or self-dug latrine style toilets.
There’s lots more information in this blog.
Students will all be shown the location of the groups toilet before bed every night. Reflectors will be set up from the campsite to the toilet and back to help guide students in the dark and students will be briefed to wake up their tent buddy if they need to go to the toilet at night.
There is no reason you cannot participate in all camp activities when you have your period. A detailed brief will be supplied to all female students regarding the management of periods on camp prior to the program.
There’s more information in this article to help you feel comfortable about managing your period on camp.
We’ve also pulled together a handy information sheet.
If you are attending a centre based program (hard top accommodation) you will have access to showers. When on expedition it is unlikely there will be showers. If you have concerns regarding personal hygiene, especially on program of greater than five days duration, a good option is to pack some baby wipes or a face cloth to aid in washing.
Please refer to your specific clothing and equipment list; it outlines what items to pack, what items are optional and those that can be left behind.